REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals and is a European regulation aimed at protecting human health and the environment from the risks posed by chemicals.
It is a comprehensive and complex system that requires companies to provide information about the chemicals they produce, import or use.
The retention of REACH documents is very important because it is the responsibility of companies to demonstrate that they comply with the requirements of the Regulation.
This includes providing information on the risks of chemicals, conducting chemical safety assessments and taking appropriate risk management measures.
The retention of these documents also helps to ensure transparency of information on chemicals.
This is important for the protection of human health and the environment, as it keeps important information on the risks of chemicals available to regulators, scientists and the public.
Finally, these documents serve as evidence in the event of a dispute or legal proceeding.
By keeping and maintaining the documents, companies can demonstrate their compliance with the REACH Regulation and take responsibility for human and environmental safety.

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