100% secure archiving with top green credentials

01-10-2019 - in Merak newsletter

A user surfing to Merak's website

Merak, more than 40 years of ISO experience.

Mechelen 12 July 2019 - For more than 35 years now, Merak has been helping private and public sector customers to archive, classify and manage information to professional standards. Quality has always been a priority in this regard. In 2019, Merak had good reason to celebrate ‘25 years of ISO certification’ for quality management, in addition to information security and environmental management.

In addition, Merak also integrates the latest trends in its wide range of services. Sustainability and green policy are not just buzz words at Merak. They are essential parts of the quality service they provide and which has also been awarded other ISO certificates.

A laptop with the icon of e-mail on the screen

The culmination of a green vision.

The ISO 14001 certificate for environmental management is proof that Merak is doing everything possible to ensure the safety of the archives it holds, without compromising the environment.

“We help companies to reduce their ecological footprint by digitising and preserving their archives. Not only is the archive stored securely, it also avoids unnecessary printing. What happens if a customer subsequently decides to destroy the paper archive? If so, then we ensure that the shredded paper is recycled 100%."

Can a green policy be cost-effective?

Merak is also ecological in its internal business activities. “In 2018, we produced 30% of our own electricity. Electricity, which is 100% generated from green sources, namely our own solar panels. What’s more, by the end of this year, more than a quarter of our fleet will be electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles."

A green policy certainly does not stand in the way of growth and profitability. In 2018, the Merak Group grew by more than 10% and increased its cash flow. So it's definitely possible.

An employee of Merak sitting at her desk and busy scanning

100% certainty, even with ISO guarantee.

In 1994, Merak passed the first ISO 9001 audit with flying colours. “A status that is subject to review every year. A test we pass every time with success. This is the guarantee that we meet the strictest internationally recognised quality standards," says Henrik Rooms, CEO at Merak. “We deliberately opt for certified peace of mind.”

Because quality is the basis of enduring customer relationships, Merak invests in an in-depth ISO audit every year. “Thanks to the ISO certification, we make our constant hunger for quality tangible. At the same time, it's the perfect way to know all the improvements in efficiency right away. That increases our productivity," concludes Rooms.

In addition to ISO 14001 certification for environmental management, Merak passes ISO 9001 quality management and ISO 27001 information security audits every year with flying colours.

This not only vouches for our ecological policy, but also means quality assurance for the customer.

For example, companies that rely on Merak can be sure that documents, server tapes and other information carriers are kept in specially designed boxes and containers.

The storage areas for paper archives are protected against fire, theft, water and pests. And to guarantee the security of any digital archive, there is a special e-bunker. It acts as a Faraday cage and protects backups, source codes and other digital data from electrostatic and magnetic radiation.

A unique product mix that leads to qualitative, environmentally conscious information security.


  • Since 1994: ISO 9001 for quality management.
  • Since 2008: ISO 27001 for information security.
  • Since 2011: ISO 14001 for environmental management.

Merak in 2018 in a few figures

Revenue 2018: €13,072,364 = 10% growth compared to 2017: €11,736,847
Cash flow: €1.759.122
Last 3 years of investments: €13.000.000
Number of intervention contracts: 48.708
Destroyed and recycled paper: 1.383,56 tonnes
Number of documents scanned: 1.438.968
Management of documents in running kilometres: 720 km

Storage racks stacked with Merak archive boxes

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