Green at heart, also in 2021
March 2022 - in Merak newsletter

Helping companies reduce their carbon footprint by digitising their archives and recycling them afterwards.
Our core business, at Merak, is green.
By digitising companies' archives, we help them reduce their carbon footprint.
Not only is a digital archive 100% secure, it also prevents unnecessary copying and storage.
We can then destroy the paper records and recycle the shredded paper.
But we also run our own business in a way that is as ecologically friendly as possible.
For example, 35% of our vehicle fleet are electric, and our warehouses have been optimally isolated and equipped with intelligent climate control.
All our couriers also undergo an eco-driving course.
Where possible, we continue to look for ways to strengthen our ecological commitment.
In this way, we have managed to address a number of areas for improvement in recent years.

Even more green energy
We produce a large part of our electricity ourselves. And that electricity is completely green. It is generated by the solar panels on the roof of our warehouses in Mechelen and Schelle. In 2021, the warehouses in Overijse and Vilvoorde were also equipped with photovoltaic systems, so that the share of our green electricity is now even higher.
Even more electric cars
We bought a third electric vehicle for the logistics service and, where possible, replaced existing commercial vehicles – diesel and/or hybrid – with vehicles that are fully powered by electricity.

Purchase of an electric forklift
In 2021, we needed a heavier forklift with a higher mast. Even though a gas-fuelled one was cheaper, we opted for the electric version because it has no emissions. Good for our employees and for the environment.
Paperless working for the couriers
Until recently, our couriers worked with small printing devices to print out the delivery confirmation and pick-up on paper. In 2021, these devices were in need of replacement. But instead of buying new ones, we chose a paperless alternative. Our scanner now forwards the confirmations directly to the customer's mailbox. This way we use less power and less thermal paper.
LED lighting in the warehouses
The light fixtures in some of our large warehouses – two in Meer and one in Vilvoorde – were replaced by LEDs. When there is no movement in the hall, the lights are switched off completely. The central corridors are only 25% illuminated. Only when motion is detected will it increase to 100%. In Overijse, this resulted in a saving of 33%, while in Meer the figure reached 45%.

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